Hi Paul,

found the message...

I was looking around for sources for some things I have been playing
that did not have reviews - i.e. AllMusic didn't have it.
I already use LastFM ... so popped over there and found albums covers
and reviews for some of it.

Interesting. I don't know too much about LastFM. But its openness seems very attractive for the kind of plugins we're talking about here.

Leads to a thought - alternate sources.
A potential benefit of last.fm as a source is that they condone and
even encourage such use

Now this would be great. I'm sure AllMusic offer something similar as well, but they didn't even answer me, when I asked them about the conditions. They're rather discussing with partners like MS :-).

I'll have a look at audioscrobbler (how, btw, are audioscrobbler and LastFM related?!? - I don't quite get it)

I had a look at some of their XML - and album art sometimes links off
to other sources ... but it lead to another thought - if no cover art
is present in the music directory, could you store it as you come
across it (e.g. as folder.jpg) and then other apps could pick it up.

This could be a nice plugin for slimserver.



http://www.herger.net/SlimCD - your SlimServer on a CD
http://www.herger.net/slim - AlbumReview, Biography, MusicInfoSCR

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