As far as I can tell, everything seems
to be working OK anyway (?). Would it be possible to have a linux/perl
".pm" version of this dll? :)

Did you try to run the plugin without that addition? On Linux it's preferrable to properly install the needed modules. As most Linuxes come with development tools installed, even installing from CPAN isn't a big issue.

Also, one small request/suggestion: instead of having a timer-based
refresh of the pages to follow the artists/albums as they change, could
there be an automatic refresh when changing songs (or even better only
when the artist changes in "biography" mode and only when the album
changes in "AlbumReview" mode?)

That's not so easy: the web browser won't learn about the change before the information has been loaded from the server. I therefore have to reload the page.

There are of course possibilities (everybody's talking AJAX these days...), but they'd require some learning :-)



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