snoopy86 wrote: 
> I think "squeeze box" is cool and we are all used to this word by now so
> why change it...

I agree it's probably the best we've got. Plus, it has the advantage of
being essentially one word but can be rendered as two to meet the

However, possible reasons for change are.....

1. Some testers report Alexa is not picking it up correctly when spoken
2. Some testers report that it's a little clunky to say (I tend to
3. It conflicts with some users device naming which includes the word
4. There's still doubt over whether it will be acceptable as an
invocation word when we get to certification

I'm keeping an open mind on this and really value community input.

I had another look at the skill guidelines last night and from the
certification checklist, I noted that a skill must support multiple
forms of syntax on skill invocation. So, in our case, the following are
mandated to work;

Alexa, ask/tell <skillname> to <command>
Alexa, command on/with <skillname>

In our case, where 'Kitchen' is the squeezebox device name, this would
result in;

> 'Alexa, ask Squeeze Box to play Kitchen'
> 'Alexa, play Kitchen with Squeeze Box'

Now, I need to do more testing but this later formation -might -work
with these kinds of syntax;

> 'Alexa, play on Kitchen Squeeze Box'
> 'Alexa, play on Squeeze Box Kitchen'

This is quite natural and easy to say and, if it works, would likely be
the recommended way of doing things. Of course, it would still be
recommended to remove the word 'squeezebox' from device names ,
otherwise the most accurate phrasing would need to be;

> 'Alexa, play on Squeeze Box squeezebox Kitchen'

where 'Squeeze Box' is the required skill name and 'squeezebox' is part
of the device name. Not confusing at all!!!

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