frankd wrote: 
> Same Problem here in Switzerland, stations report old weather instead of
> the forecast, in my case the forecast icons represent the weather
> approximately month ago.
> You can find out what the weather forecast screensaver uses for the
> three forecast icons
> whereby xxx should be replaced by the city and yyy by the country you
> entered into the squeezebox interface.
> the screensaver uses the info under
> <simpleforecast><forecastday><period>1</period> 
> to <period>3</period>, 
> you can find the relevant information processed by the screensaver in
> the sub-fields
> The general problem is that this is an old API, the problems might not
> be fixed. It would required some experienced coder to rewrite the script
> to use the new API for a new plugin. Alternatively somebody may
> volunteer to rebuild the current screensaver with the combination of the
> customclock plugin and the superdatetime plugin to reflect the current
> layout of the weather screensaver. there are some templates, however
> none reflects the same weather-focused layout....

This should be a viable approach.  I don't use this screensaver, so
don't know how it's laid out, but I use weather+time oriented
screensavers on my Touch and Radio (never built anything for the
Controller) using my version of SuperDateTime (which uses the API) and Erland's CustomClock screensaver. The Radio
screen I use only show's current weather icon, but on the right cycles
through future forecasts in text. (image attached, although my current
version of this screen is probably slightly different than this image). 
I've also created a Touch version which has current conditions on left
side, and cycles through future information, with icons (plus Moon) on
the right (don't have an image to upload currently).  These could, at
least, provide starting point if someone wants to customize further. 
Erlands CustomClock requires a small fee (after trial period, if he's
still managing it that way), but it's very flexible and supports
SuperDateTime information.  PLUS the SuperDateTime provides native
support to SB3/Classic, Boom and Transporter.

|Filename: OffClockSaver_SDTWeather.jpg                             |

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