pinkdot wrote: 
> There used to be some problems with cue sheets not being utf-8 that
> caused some problems with characters in the past. If that is still
> valid, I don't know. I don't use WAV and cue sheets. All the WAV files i
> have are converted to FLAC to embed artwork and id3 tags. Could you
> upload a cue sheet for me that causes problems?What was the outcome of
> the scan now the playlists were excluded?

I will give a very brief history of my Umlaute (character) issues

LMS on Windows first wasn't able to handle special chars in filenames,
then later it was. This is just about the time I switched to Mac, where
it never worked.
(Just to be clear, track names within the .cue sheets always were read
correctly, just the filenames didn't work.)
So what I did was to manually rename some of the files, but just the
ones that were important for me to find when browsing on LMS. The rest I
want to clean up now.

Unfortunately, the Mac somehow fu**ed up my cue sheets. For example, it
changed all ä to ‰, ö to ˆ and ü to ¸. At some point I will have to run
a batch script to change this back.

Anyway, because of this the scan obviously couldn't find some files.
Here's an example:

-Slim::Formats::Playlists::CUE::parse (473) Error: Couldn't find
referenced FILE: [/volume1/music/Ripped CDs/CH/Asita Hamidi's Bazaar -
Nafâs.wav] on disk! Skipping!-

(This was because â was changed to ‚)

Here's where it gets strange though. I manually copy-pasted the filename
back into the .cue sheet for a few albums. Scanning still didn't work
after this:

-Slim::Formats::Playlists::CUE::parse (473) Error: Couldn't find
referenced FILE: [/volume1/music/Ripped CDs/CH/Asita Hamidi's Bazaar -
Naf‰s.wav] on disk! Skipping!-

LOL, just got a step closer to the solution. Because in the scanner, it
reads 'Asita Hamadi's Bazaar - Nafs.wav'. However, just now when I
copy-pasted it ‰ showed up. I clearly have some character encoding
issues, I have to look into this.

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