ian_heys wrote: 
> I'll give it a try when the equipment arrives and report back.

I've installed my "new" DS215j for back-ups, cloud services and
LMS/player with the plugins shown.


Everything works fine except for Local Player, which won't start.

The binaries offered in Chromecast Bridge and UPNP/DLNA Bridge include
"armv5te-static" which both work.

The single binary offered in Local Player is "armv5te" which does not
allow Local Player to start.

Is the Local Player "armv5te-static" binary missing from LMS RePack or
is there something else going on?

If Ralphy is reading this maybe he could comment.

Edit: My Arcam rPac external DAC is recognised by DiskStations native
music player so should be accessible if Local Player can be started.

|Filename: plugins.JPG                                              |
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LMS: 7.9.0 - 1488878280 @ Tue Mar 7 09:28:02 UTC 2017 on Raspberry Pi 3B
piCorePlayer v3.20 Server/ARCAM rPAC DAC, 2.5 inch HD (pi powered)
*Homeplug LAN Players:*
Squeezelite on Windows 10 PC
Raspberry Pi 3B piCorePlayer v3.20/Topping VX2 DAC/Amp
*Wifi Players:* 
UPnP Wifi Players: 2 x Chromecast Audio, 2 x Chromecast Video
ian_heys's Profile: http://forums.slimdevices.com/member.php?userid=2629
View this thread: http://forums.slimdevices.com/showthread.php?t=107180

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