I've noticed the Ogg files are transcoded to FLAC. Is that necessary or
is it something I've set up at some point?

librespot (https://github.com/plietar/librespot), the library doing the heavy lifting in the background, would only return PCM data to LMS. I decided to compress that data to flac for improved compatibility and its lower bandwidth usage. But you can turn it off in Settings/Advanced/File Formats if you want lowest CPU overhead on your system.

Also, I've noticed that it's possible to add multiple accounts. Is it
then possible to have them somehow separated in the menu structure, so
that my partner and I don't mix our, errrm, disparate musical tastes by
playing from my library always?

If you added multiple accounts, you'd have a menu item at the bottom to pick what account to use on any given player.


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