When I browse my Albums I often get no results. When I browse my Artists
I often get 4 Artists instead of 50. In Albums I get the Message: "Add
albums to your music, or follow an artist or playlist to populate your
music library." And when I try to open an Album or browse through
Artists I often get "empty" in the sub-menues.
But when I try again a few minutes later, Albums and Artists are back.
When they are back, it takes long to load.

Could you please post your server.log? How many artists and albums would you expect in your collection?

I'm using this playlist to find new Audio Books:
It only contains the first track of an Audio Book. Is there an easy way
to listen to the whole album in spotty. Spotty only provides "Play",
"Play Next", "Add to Playlist" and "Add to Favorites" for the single

From the track information menu there's a "On Spotify..." menu. This should link to a track's artist etc.


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