Phil Meyer;155986 Wrote: 
> The only thing is 0-5 * ratings is a range of 6 values, so 3* is not
> exactly middle ;)Well, most people probably buy music thats a little bit 
> better than
"middle" so 3* is probably correct anyway ;)

Phil Meyer;155986 Wrote: 
> If I were to "play as a dynamic playlist", I assume it would add the
> songs in the order they are presented in the trackstat page.So far they have 
> been the same, but its different code so I can make
different order in dynamic playlists and statistics list if it's

Phil Meyer;155986 Wrote: 
> The top of the screen has a list of additional statistic views, such as
> "Top Rated".  These work on the full database, not the currently
> displayed list.
> Perhaps there could be options on the page to show the list sorted by
> track number, rating or playcount, or an option to make the additional
> statistic views only work on the selected album.Thats how it currently work 
> in my setup. If I click the TS button I get
the "All songs" statistic, if I then click on the "Top rated songs"
link I still only get the songs for the selected album but sorted by
rating. Isn't this how it works on your end ?


Erland Isaksson
'My homepage' ( 'My download page'
(Developer of 'TrackStat'
, 'SQLPlayList'
, 'DynamicPlayList'
'Custom Browse'
and 'RandomPlayList'
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