I still find Spotty unstable.
Just now I played via connect and all of a sudden spotty changed the
current track to one I was playing before and my SB kept repeating

    [18-03-12 18:54:35.3728] Plugins::Spotty::API::_call (1316) API call: 
  [18-03-12 18:54:35.5299] Plugins::Spotty::Connect::__ANON__ (129) Got a new 
track to be played next: spotify:track:0s6BnZCanXlkFA3xb9WRT1
  [18-03-12 18:54:35.5314] Plugins::Spotty::Connect::__ANON__ (137) Stopping 
playback in 0.752630908966065s, as we have likely reached the end of our 
context (playlist, album, ...)
  [18-03-12 18:54:36.2877] Plugins::Spotty::API::_call (1316) API call: 
  [18-03-12 18:54:36.3932] Plugins::Spotty::API::_call (1316) API call: 
  [18-03-12 18:54:36.5031] Plugins::Spotty::Plugin::purgeAudioCacheAfterXTracks 
(432) Played 7 song(s) since last audio cache purge.
  [18-03-12 18:54:36.6457] Plugins::Spotty::Connect::_onPause (199) Got a pause 
event - tell Spotify Connect controller to pause, too
  [18-03-12 18:54:36.6569] Plugins::Spotty::API::_call (1307) Trying to read 
from cache for me
  [18-03-12 18:54:36.6579] Plugins::Spotty::API::_call (1310) Returning cached 
data for me
  [18-03-12 18:54:36.6597] Plugins::Spotty::API::_call (1316) API call: 
  [18-03-12 18:54:51.0013] Plugins::Spotty::Plugin::purgeAudioCache (446) 
Starting audio cache cleanup...
  [18-03-12 18:54:51.0026] Plugins::Spotty::Plugin::purgeAudioCache (500) 
Starting temporary file cleanup... (/var/lib/squeezeboxserver/cache/spotty)
  [18-03-12 18:54:51.0050] Plugins::Spotty::Plugin::purgeAudioCache (520) Audio 
cache cleanup done!
  [18-03-12 18:54:54.0049] Plugins::Spotty::Connect::_connectEvent (238) Got 
called from spotty helper: start
  [18-03-12 18:54:54.0087] Plugins::Spotty::API::_call (1307) Trying to read 
from cache for me
  [18-03-12 18:54:54.0102] Plugins::Spotty::API::_call (1316) API call: me
  [18-03-12 18:54:54.1170] Plugins::Spotty::API::_call (1316) API call: 
  [18-03-12 18:54:54.2549] Plugins::Spotty::API::__ANON__ (1361) Caching result 
for 60 using max-age (https://api.spotify.com/v1/me)
  [18-03-12 18:54:54.2562] Plugins::Spotty::API::__ANON__ (1363) Data cached 
  [18-03-12 18:54:54.2671] Plugins::Spotty::Connect::__ANON__ (274) Got a new 
track to be played: spotify:track:0kwBATkVUAG7JRMEosNUUs
  [18-03-12 18:54:54.2846] Plugins::Spotty::API::_call (1307) Trying to read 
from cache for me
  [18-03-12 18:54:54.2855] Plugins::Spotty::API::_call (1310) Returning cached 
data for me
  [18-03-12 18:54:54.2865] Plugins::Spotty::Connect::getNextTrack (109) Don't 
get next track as we got called by a play track event from spotty
  [18-03-12 18:54:54.2894] Plugins::Spotty::Plugin::purgeAudioCacheAfterXTracks 
(432) Played 1 song(s) since last audio cache purge.
  [18-03-12 18:54:59.4209] Plugins::Spotty::Connect::_connectEvent (238) Got 
called from spotty helper: change
  [18-03-12 18:54:59.4250] Plugins::Spotty::API::_call (1307) Trying to read 
from cache for me
  [18-03-12 18:54:59.4275] Plugins::Spotty::API::_call (1310) Returning cached 
data for me
  [18-03-12 18:54:59.4346] Plugins::Spotty::API::_call (1316) API call: 
  [18-03-12 18:54:59.5972] Plugins::Spotty::Connect::__ANON__ (268) Got a 
change event, but actually this is a play next track event
  [18-03-12 18:54:59.5988] Plugins::Spotty::Connect::__ANON__ (274) Got a new 
track to be played: spotify:track:2BzYdX5VGhnPowrqorZRk7
  [18-03-12 18:54:59.6251] Plugins::Spotty::API::_call (1307) Trying to read 
from cache for me
  [18-03-12 18:54:59.6261] Plugins::Spotty::API::_call (1310) Returning cached 
data for me
  [18-03-12 18:54:59.6271] Plugins::Spotty::Connect::getNextTrack (109) Don't 
get next track as we got called by a play track event from spotty
  [18-03-12 18:54:59.6299] Plugins::Spotty::Plugin::purgeAudioCacheAfterXTracks 
(432) Played 2 song(s) since last audio cache purge.
  [18-03-12 18:54:59.7033] Plugins::Spotty::Connect::_onPause (195) Got a stop 
event within 5s after start of a new track - do NOT tell Spotify Connect 
controller to pause
  [18-03-12 18:56:01.0354] Plugins::Spotty::Connect::_connectEvent (238) Got 
called from spotty helper: stop
  [18-03-12 18:56:01.0393] Plugins::Spotty::API::_call (1307) Trying to read 
from cache for me
  [18-03-12 18:56:01.0411] Plugins::Spotty::API::_call (1316) API call: me
  [18-03-12 18:56:01.0483] Plugins::Spotty::API::_call (1316) API call: 
  [18-03-12 18:56:01.2789] Plugins::Spotty::Connect::_connectEvent (238) Got 
called from spotty helper: change
  [18-03-12 18:56:01.2826] Plugins::Spotty::API::_call (1307) Trying to read 
from cache for me
  [18-03-12 18:56:01.2841] Plugins::Spotty::API::_call (1316) API call: me
  [18-03-12 18:56:01.3801] Plugins::Spotty::API::_call (1316) API call: 
  [18-03-12 18:56:01.5031] Plugins::Spotty::API::__ANON__ (1361) Caching result 
for 60 using max-age (https://api.spotify.com/v1/me)
  [18-03-12 18:56:01.5044] Plugins::Spotty::API::__ANON__ (1363) Data cached 
  [18-03-12 18:56:01.5140] Plugins::Spotty::Connect::_connectEvent (238) Got 
called from spotty helper: stop
  [18-03-12 18:56:01.5161] Plugins::Spotty::API::_call (1307) Trying to read 
from cache for me
  [18-03-12 18:56:01.5170] Plugins::Spotty::API::_call (1310) Returning cached 
data for me
  [18-03-12 18:56:01.5186] Plugins::Spotty::API::_call (1316) API call: 
  [18-03-12 18:56:01.6185] Plugins::Spotty::Connect::__ANON__ (317) Spotify 
told us to pause, but current player is no longer the Connect target
  [18-03-12 18:56:01.6439] Plugins::Spotty::API::__ANON__ (1361) Caching result 
for 60 using max-age (https://api.spotify.com/v1/me)
  [18-03-12 18:56:01.6450] Plugins::Spotty::API::__ANON__ (1363) Data cached 
  [18-03-12 18:56:01.6541] Plugins::Spotty::Connect::_connectEvent (238) Got 
called from spotty helper: start
  [18-03-12 18:56:01.6562] Plugins::Spotty::API::_call (1307) Trying to read 
from cache for me
  [18-03-12 18:56:01.6571] Plugins::Spotty::API::_call (1310) Returning cached 
data for me
  [18-03-12 18:56:01.6587] Plugins::Spotty::API::_call (1316) API call: 
  [18-03-12 18:56:01.7563] Plugins::Spotty::Connect::__ANON__ (268) Got a 
change event, but actually this is a play next track event
  [18-03-12 18:56:01.7569] Plugins::Spotty::Connect::__ANON__ (274) Got a new 
track to be played: spotify:track:0s6BnZCanXlkFA3xb9WRT1
  [18-03-12 18:56:01.7685] Plugins::Spotty::API::_call (1307) Trying to read 
from cache for me
  [18-03-12 18:56:01.7693] Plugins::Spotty::API::_call (1310) Returning cached 
data for me
  [18-03-12 18:56:01.7700] Plugins::Spotty::Connect::getNextTrack (109) Don't 
get next track as we got called by a play track event from spotty
  [18-03-12 18:56:01.7728] Plugins::Spotty::Plugin::purgeAudioCacheAfterXTracks 
(432) Played 3 song(s) since last audio cache purge.
  [18-03-12 18:56:01.8450] Plugins::Spotty::Connect::_onPause (195) Got a stop 
event within 5s after start of a new track - do NOT tell Spotify Connect 
controller to pause
  [18-03-12 18:56:01.8534] Plugins::Spotty::Connect::__ANON__ (317) Spotify 
told us to pause, but current player is no longer the Connect target
  [18-03-12 18:56:01.8609] Plugins::Spotty::Connect::_connectEvent (238) Got 
called from spotty helper: stop
  [18-03-12 18:56:01.8632] Plugins::Spotty::API::_call (1307) Trying to read 
from cache for me
  [18-03-12 18:56:01.8640] Plugins::Spotty::API::_call (1310) Returning cached 
data for me
  [18-03-12 18:56:01.8656] Plugins::Spotty::API::_call (1316) API call: 
  [18-03-12 18:56:01.9852] Plugins::Spotty::Connect::__ANON__ (274) Got a new 
track to be played: spotify:track:0s6BnZCanXlkFA3xb9WRT1
  [18-03-12 18:56:01.9951] Plugins::Spotty::API::_call (1307) Trying to read 
from cache for me
  [18-03-12 18:56:01.9960] Plugins::Spotty::API::_call (1310) Returning cached 
data for me
  [18-03-12 18:56:01.9967] Plugins::Spotty::Connect::getNextTrack (109) Don't 
get next track as we got called by a play track event from spotty
  [18-03-12 18:56:01.9994] Plugins::Spotty::Plugin::purgeAudioCacheAfterXTracks 
(432) Played 4 song(s) since last audio cache purge.
  [18-03-12 18:56:02.0825] Plugins::Spotty::Connect::__ANON__ (317) Spotify 
told us to pause, but current player is no longer the Connect target
  [18-03-12 18:56:03.5183] Plugins::Spotty::Plugin::purgeAudioCacheAfterXTracks 
(432) Played 5 song(s) since last audio cache purge.
  [18-03-12 18:56:06.4723] Plugins::Spotty::Plugin::purgeAudioCacheAfterXTracks 
(432) Played 6 song(s) since last audio cache purge.
  [18-03-12 18:56:10.0500] Plugins::Spotty::Plugin::purgeAudioCacheAfterXTracks 
(432) Played 7 song(s) since last audio cache purge.
  [18-03-12 18:56:13.6383] Plugins::Spotty::Plugin::purgeAudioCacheAfterXTracks 
(432) Played 8 song(s) since last audio cache purge.
  [18-03-12 18:56:17.2309] Plugins::Spotty::Plugin::purgeAudioCacheAfterXTracks 
(432) Played 9 song(s) since last audio cache purge.
  [18-03-12 18:56:20.8092] Plugins::Spotty::Plugin::purgeAudioCacheAfterXTracks 
(432) Played 10 song(s) since last audio cache purge.
  [18-03-12 18:56:24.3984] Plugins::Spotty::Plugin::purgeAudioCacheAfterXTracks 
(432) Played 11 song(s) since last audio cache purge.
  [18-03-12 18:56:27.9873] Plugins::Spotty::Plugin::purgeAudioCacheAfterXTracks 
(432) Played 12 song(s) since last audio cache purge.

I didn't touch LMS or SB during the time shown in the log.

ElFishi's Profile: http://forums.slimdevices.com/member.php?userid=15528
View this thread: http://forums.slimdevices.com/showthread.php?t=108561

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