Hi Philippe, thanks for a brilliant plug in. It's solved all sorts of
annoyances I had in my system (like a central Joggler can now control
the everyday 'inside' players all at once). I can also set a lower bit
rate for everything playing compared to when just individual players are
on - awesome!

However, there is one scenario I'm still struggling with. I have some
outdoor speakers which I'm forever turning on/off for when i'm working
outside and come back in etc (so as not to annoy the neighbors too
much). I'd love to be able to add this into a sync group, so it's easy
to turn on when needed, but have it start as powered off by default.

I tried hacking your plugin around to add a 'power on/off' setting for
individual players, but quickly realised that's over kill for my one
player. So then I tried to isolate the individual player at the point it
turns on and manually override it to leave it powered off... but I
couldn't get it to work (using MAC address lookups kept controlling the
wrong player for some reason, i assume it's due to the way the data
loops but i couldn't work it out!).

I also tried to add a simple line of code at the end of the power-on
function to manually send a power off to that one outside speaker (so it
starts then stops instantly), but I couldn't get that to work either.

Any pointers on what code I could easily add to the script to let this
one player join the group, but have it start in a powered off state
while everything else powers on?

Any advice appreciated as I'm now out of ideas.


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