Thank you, I'm up and running, but this is going to be a bit clunky. I
originally pasted the url into a favorite:

Then quickly realized and confirmed that the url would change each time
HTTP live streaming would be intitiated.

The result its it works, but the volume is quite low in comparison to
other sources. Perhaps a gain issue in the computer audio playback/swh
encoding. I suppose I could try to work through that

Right now I have a solution (thank you), but it involves, launching swh,
initiate http stream, copy url, open lms web control, paste url, each
time I want to listen.

Forgive my naivety, but is there no way to select the device that swh
recornizes, then launch "something" from that device?


PS - I am grateful that I have something that I can use in a crunch,
thank you again.

|Filename: swh3.jpg                                                 |

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