Just uploaded a later version of the log.

Interruptions occurred at 15:31:57, 15:37:45, 15:42:50 (-ish, plus/minus
a second or two).

Thanks. Not sure what is going on there: out of the blue LMS seems to ask the plugin for the next track. This should only happen when it's assuming all audio data has been buffered on the player.

What kind of player are you using in this case? Are you syncing players? Any 3rd party software involved? The only other oddity I'm seeing is a very large number of requests to get metadata. Dozens of them within a few seconds.

Each of these interruptions apparently occurred at about the time of
"Fetching new block of events".

"Fetching new block..." is triggered when a block (usually a hand full of songs in one file) has been played. Or when LMS thinks it had been played. Would you see something like re-buffering attempts before these skips happen? Maybe LMS is failing to keep the buffer full, assuming playback has failed. Setting logging for player.source=INFO could tell us more. But that's super noisy... don't forget to turn it off once the event has been logged.


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