Owen Smith wrote: 
> Does iPlayerExtras serve any purpose now that the main schedule supports
> 30 days? The categories were already greatly reduced compared to the
> past.
> I'm pleased by this change, it makes it seem less like the BBC are
> abandoning third parties. After the Nitro damp squid I wondered how much
> of a future we had.
> And thanks for updating the plugin to match!
BBC strategy is not clear and we have to play it by ear. I think BBC's
2-3yr plans have been subverted by popular expectation of internet.

The feeds Extra used were cut down severely a few years ago and BBC said
it would be discontinued as it was difficult to maintain.  The "Latest"
stuff is a hack. Nitro is used by phone/tablet apps but I think T&Cs for
acceptable use by 3rd parties are hard to make and police as API has the
potential to overwhelm BBC servers.

BBC used to object to user downloading programs - yet they are now
advocating it with downloadable Podcasts of many programs not just a
select few.

The original feed had only 7 days - I think BBC imposed this at the time
perhaps to give their won web and apps an "edge" or perhaps they had
copyright issues.

Surprisingly,  the feed EXtra uses still has more program than the BBC
iPlayer feed mainly from the international services such as Nepal,
Afrique etc.  Also Extra can go back further than 30 days. So I think it
is mostly redundant but it requires no effort to maintain.

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