mherger wrote: 
> > 8:20 music stops, two processes -n & -c, progress bar running in
> > Spotify, stops at end of song.
> > progress bar stopped in LMS web gui
> > press >|, music back
> Hmm... I don't see anything about a playback stop, nor restart playback.
> Did you press play in Spotify or LMS?

mherger wrote: 
> > 8:36 unchecked "nicht im lokalen Netzwerk bekannt geben": can't play
> > music
> > other box (Überwache die Verbindung) vanished
> Well... the message clearly says don't touch these options unless you 
> know what you're doing - or are told to touch them. As explained earlier
> local discovery doesn't work for your because there are conflicting 
> services running. That box is checked for a reason.
Yes, Sir. Thanks for explaining. 

mherger wrote: 
> > music has dropouts
> > checked nicht bekannt geben und Überwache Verbindung[/color]
> This option is only available if local discovery is disabled, because in
> that case you depend on a reliable connection. Otherwise you don't.
> > 8:40 no player to connect to, spotty-hf -n gone
> Please note that -n is part of every call. You'd have to check the full
> command line to be sure what you're looking at. "--single-track" would 
> indicate a helper streaming data. "--lms" would be the controlling 
> daemon. That's the two most important cases.
-c is --lms, and 
-n is --single-track, these attributes don't show I simply do ps 

  pi@Zorin:~ $ ps -fu squeezeboxserver | sed G | fold -w 140 -s
  UID        PID  PPID  C STIME TTY          TIME CMD
  squeeze+   467     1  0 Okt15 ?        00:00:00 /bin/bash 
/usr/sbin/squeezeboxserver_safe /usr/sbin/squeezeboxserver --prefsdir
  /var/lib/squeezeboxserver/prefs --logdir /var/log/squeezeboxserver/ 
--cachedir /var/lib/squeezeboxserver/cache --charset=utf8
  squeeze+   492   467  4 Okt15 ?        00:31:43 /usr/bin/perl 
/usr/sbin/squeezeboxserver --prefsdir /var/lib/squeezeboxserver/prefs
  --logdir /var/log/squeezeboxserver/ --cachedir 
/var/lib/squeezeboxserver/cache --charset=utf8
  squeeze+ 14806   492  3 08:18 ?        00:00:43 
  /var/lib/squeezeboxserver/cache/spotty/a7912f50 -n Goldfinger, Cabinetbox & 
Salonbox --disable-audio-cache --bitrate 96 --player-mac
  b8:27:eb:d5:60:af --lms --disable-discovery
  squeeze+ 16030     1 10 08:37 ?        00:00:13 
  Squeezebox -c /var/lib/squeezeboxserver/cache/spotty/a7912f50 --single-track 
spotify://track:0HZWWaKieQ9ZETkTEUVTH2 --bitrate 320
  --disable-discovery --disable-audio-cache

mherger wrote: 
> > 8:59 end of song, spotify stopped, pressed >|, music plays again
> > 9:06 music stops, -c & -n still there, spotify still connected and
> > progressing, LMS progress stopped,
> > pressed >|, music plays again[/color]
> Again no sign of a reported failure :-(. I'm a bit at a loss here. 
> Something about your system must be non average... maybe server load? 
> You mentioned a lot of services running. How is memory usage and CPU 
> load? Is this plain Raspbian, or max2play or something?

I monitor CPU and memory every minute. Loads are under 0.5 and available
memory around 680MB.
Plain Raspbian Stretch Lite.

I consider moving LMS, spotty and maybe smb/HDD to a separate RPi.
What is an advisable (minimum) configuration? I have a RPi 1 and a Zero
floating around I could put to use. 
Or I get a 3+ right away to spare myself the hassle.

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