philippe_44 wrote: 
> The audio calls happens as frequently as needed. When LMS wants so data,
> it queries the plugin and I read a chunk of the webm file by doing an
> HTTP asynchronous call. When that call returns, the chunk is parsed and
> if audio is found, it is quickly reformatted using a vorbis container
> then returned to LMS. If no audio is found, LMS is notified that nothing
> has been found and we should get called again. So normally LMS shall
> call the plugin as often as needed.
> What seems to happen in your case is that the plugin is called not
> frequently enough. An audio-only file with a cluster size of 100k @
> 128kbits/s is ~8 secs. LMS usually grabs as much as the player can
> ingest and then goes quiet until the player can absorb more. Try to put
> YT loggin in debug and see what you have. Will be very verbose but
> that's the only way to know if this is LMS not querying the plugin or if
> this is the plugin being stuck waiting for an HTTP reply to his GET for
> more YT data.

Attached is a debug log as requested. I've annotated it with key events
(due to my reaction time, the log may have started spitting things out
before I hit enter, but it's pretty close).

A brief timeline of what happens (times are approximate - give or take 1
0:00 Press Play
0:20 About 20 seconds later, the Squeezebox display updates with info
about the codec and bitrate, and track time played resets to 0 (no sound
has come out yet)
0:30 About 10 seconds after that, song starts; track time resets shortly
afterwards to actual position in the song (usually about 2-3 seconds)
0:40 After 10 seconds of music, music stops
0:44 After about 4 seconds, music resumes
0:54 After another 10 seconds, music stops; cycle repeats.

Another thing I've just discovered is that if I pause a track for a long
time (i.e. several minutes), then when I resume playing, it plays
uninterrupted (as if it's buffered/cached the music in the meantime).

|Filename:                                                |

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