mherger wrote: 
> > For me it does not seem to matter when I tap next track. Sometimes
> the
> > track will change but more often the same track repeats.
> > Searching in track is definitely not working for me using 7.9.2.
> Would
> > you like to see any particular logs? Debug or Info?
> Yes, please set logging for plugin.spotty to INFO, reproduce, then 
> upload to 
> Some more information about your installation (what platform/OS etc.) 
> would be good, too.
> -- 
> Michael

I uploaded two logs. Serverlog1, I advanced to the next song 60s into
the playing song and was successful. I tried to advance to the next
track 30s into the playing song and the playing song restarted. I let
the song finish and at the end of the track the Spotify app and LMS both
started playing the correct track according to the Spotify app queue.
Serverlog2 was seeking in a track, the log doesn't show much and the
track time did not move to the correct position but goes back to the
Latest LMS running on Max2Play

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