slartibartfast wrote: 
> I have "Defeat touch to play" in player settings of LMS set to "always
> ask" whether to play now, play next, add to end of playlist or play all
> songs. I don't mind that Material Skin does not obey this setting

Material will *never* support all these settings. Some (IMVHO) make no
real sense - but I don't want to argue the point.

slartibartfast wrote: 
> I
> but I see that a new feature is to play an album starting from the
> chosen song. This choice only seems to be available from the second
> track onwards. It would be  nice of this choice was also available for
> the first track of an album since once I am in the track list the only
> way to play the full album is to back out to the alb list and play it
> from there.

Try the + or |> icon in the toolbar above the track list. This is why
its not in the first tracks entry, as it makes no sense.

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