slimhase wrote: 
> I re-upgraded today to 0.2.1 to provide the requested information - and
> now I can not reproduce the error!
> Very strange - yesterday it happened very consistent multiple times both
> on my phone as well as SLX on W10.
> (I changed nothing from yesterday to today other than re-upgrading to
> current skin version)
> Very, very odd.

Finally, the "left pane missing bug" reoccured - however, both on the
iPhone as well as on Windows through SLX, I do not have browser
developer tools.
(Or I don't know how to enable it in SLX)  Sorry. :-(
I am now exercising the skin via Chrome & Edge; hopefully, I will see
the bug there as well at some point.....

(BTW: On the iphone, clearing the cache is not enough to make it funtion
again - I also need to recreate the Material Web-App.)

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