slimhase wrote: 
> Hi Greg; I didn't get any feedback on my above inquery. I hope my
> question was not stupid / already discussed / I didn't offend you or
> anyone? 
> As I rarely use my local music collection, but meanwhile rely on your
> skin 100%, it would be great, if you could give me some hints wrt my
> above question:
> Is the menue order in your skin defined within your plugin or is that
> defined by LMS? If it is in your Plugin - could you give me hint where
> that is defined?
> Then I could perhaps 'manually' alter the menue order for myself, as
> judging from the general lack of feedback to my question, there seems to
> be little interest for that in the community.
> Take care, happy belated christmas and thanks again for the skin - it
> breathed new life in my LMS!

+1.  I think it would be awesome if "My Music" could collapse (so I
could ignore it).  Even more awesome if we could alter the display
order.  This has come up before and *Craig *(not Greg) subsequently
coded up the ability to pin items, which show up at the top.  I think
Pippin's iPeng has an awesome capability in this regard, but I'm betting
he put considerable effort into that.  So not a "stupid" question, just
(I'm assuming) not a top priority for Craig (yet!) as to do it right
will be hard (I'm assuming again).

R Greg Dawson

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