mherger wrote: 
> Spotty on pCP should just work. It's what I'm using myself in one
> place.
> Could you please try to run above binaries from a shell? What would that
> give?

I don't appear to have such a folder. ls in 

tc@piCorePlayer:/usr/local/slimserver$ cd /bin
tc@piCorePlayer:/bin$ cd /armhf-linux
-sh: cd: can't cd to /armhf-linux: No such file or directory
tc@piCorePlayer:/bin$ dir
-sh: dir: not found
tc@piCorePlayer:/bin$ ls

arch           dumpkmap       linux64        ping           stat
ash            echo           ln             ping6          stty
busybox        egrep          login          printenv       su
busybox.suid   false          ls             ps             sync
cat            fdflush        lzop           pwd            tar
chgrp          fgrep          mkdir          resume         touch
chmod          getopt         mknod          rev            true
chown          grep           mktemp         rm             umount
cp             gunzip         more           rmdir          uname
cpio           gzip           mount          run-parts      uncompress
date           hostname       mv             sed            usleep
dd             ionice         netstat        setarch        vi
df             ipcalc         nice           setserial      watch
dmesg          kill           nuke           sh             zcat
dnsdomainname  linux32        pidof          sleep

tc@piCorePlayer:/bin$ cd arm-linux
-sh: cd: can't cd to arm-linux: No such file or directory

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