nickb wrote: 
> Welcome back Meep!
> FWIW I've spoken in person to two (Amazon) Alexa dev advocates (or
> similar) here in London and the response has not been  encouraging. The
> first told me to call him some time to chat about the issue (I didn't
> bother) and the second a month ago explained that basically Alexa teams
> and builds are entirely independent across countries, so the fact that
> it's been in the US beta for this long but nowhere else is not
> promising. 
> He also said, don't worry too much about what built-in intents and in
> particular their slots can and can't hold and that home-made slot types
> with lots of data are not far off. This implied (to me at least) that
> they results from the Music*Intent slots  haven't been as stellar as
> perhaps I'd imagined they were, but then I haven't bothered trying to
> build a US skill to find out.

Hi @nickb

Thanks for the insights. Interesting.

As it happens, I'm using the (relatively) new AMAZON.SearchQuery slot
and it's excellent at picking up odd track and band names ('Hootie and
the Blowfish' is my current test and Alexa picks that up perfectly). 

However, it's one step up, two steps back. It turns out you cannot
combine a SearchQuery slot with a custom slot. So I cannot implement a
natural phrase like;

> 'Alexa, ask Squeeze Box to play my playlist Seventies Classics in the
> Kitchen'

As I cannot include the device name / location slot along with the
SqearchQuery slot. I understand why, but it's frustrating :-(

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