ColH wrote: 
> I'll give that a try. It -is- working for the "study".
> EDIT: hmmm, don't think I have a known_devices.yaml  . I don't have
> HASSIO etc, so I'm editing the files by hand. I do have
> > 
  >   > media_player.livingroom:
  > name: Living Room
  > playerid: 00:04:20:16:FC:93
  > sync_stat: false
> > in customize.yaml; "Living Room" being LMS' own name for that player
> Everywhere else it's "livingroom"
> EDIT2: It had been working mostly. Recently I'd just changed the DF
> entities as per post the other day.

It seems to detect changes in the current player, yet even "pause
current player" isn't working. So it's detecting the param value, but
not able to correctly talk to that [param value] player?

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