mherger wrote: 
> > I don’t think it is fixed. Michael was in discussion with the
> developers
> > of SQLite on it. The odd grouping only appears in some versions of
> > SQLite not others and on some platforms not others.
> There's no real or easy fix to this, as the sorting in different 
> languages is rather complicated. Some characters would be sorted 
> differently, depending on what the next character would be. Therefore 
> taking the first character of a string only can result in invalid
> sorting.

But why does the -indexList- (used for theA..Z lists) returned from
-tags:Z- have "invalid" values. But the "textkey" (used for the
jumplist) have correct values? Can't the method used for "textkey" be
applied to "indexList" ??

(I'm assuming here that when "indexList" has invalid values, that
"textkey" does not - as both work fine for me)

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