1.5.6 looks good.


Browsed artists, and most images are back, I think some (all!) are
different, and I also got some images for artists I’ve never had before.

You should definitely enable storing the file locally. Not only would this guarantee more control over what you see, but also considerably speed up the artwork lookup.

I also did notice we still get the star icons as well as trumpet icons,
but I thought that meant the lookup didn’t work, as opposed to the image
of trumpet player when the artist wasn’t found?

The star would be Last.fm's new default artwork. The trumpet when the lookup didn't result in any usable artwork.

There are many levels of caching involved, which can cause the star to still show up: browser, imageproxy, LMS cache, local cache folder (if defined). All of these except for the latter would eventaully expire. But it can take weeks. If you want to be sure you get the most results, shut down LMS, delete library.db, cache.db, imgproxy.db and any imgproxy_* file from LMS' cache folder. Then restart LMS. This will trigger a complete re-scan, causing MAI to re-download whatever it doesn't find in your local artwork folder.


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