hokie-bird wrote: 
> After hours of troubleshooting, I'm posting for help as I think I've
> exhausted my ability to solve;  using LMS v7.9.1 on x86_64 platform,
> connected to multiple RPi3 players running LibreELEC and Squeezelite
> v1.9.2-1165, outputting to HDMI.  Local media mp3s play perfectly, FLAC
> files via Spotty play perfectly, but when streaming Pandora (mp3),
> somewhere about the 2nd or 3rd song, with about 1 minute remaining in
> the song, play starts stuttering.  If I ignore it, the next song starts,
> plays fine until the 1-minute-remaining mark, and stuttering repeats. 
> If I stop and restart the stream, first 1-2 songs play fine, then
> pattern repeats.  I've tried adjusting squeezelite parameters (-a 200,
> or -a :8:32:) based on recommendations in other posts, to no avail.  I
> set Pandora logging to Debug on the server and below is the error that
> posts when the stuttering starts, and it repeats at basically every
> stutter.  
> Slim::Networking::IO::Select::__ANON__ (131) Error: Select task failed
> calling Slim::Player::Source::__ANON__: illegal file descriptor or
> filehandle (either no attached file descriptor or illegal value):  at
> /storage/downloads/lms/Slim/Networking/IO/Select.pm line 134.;
> fh=Slim::Plugin::Pandora::ProtocolHandler=GLOB(0xbe10cb8)
> No other errors or warnings in the log, and yes this is a paid Pandora
> account, which streams perfectly to other devices on the same network
> via the native Pandora apps or a web browser.  
> Thanks in-advance to anyone with ideas and/or suggestions.  Happy to
> research other questions or experiment with solutions and report back.

You do not give details on full 7.9.1 version - certainly one bug
relating to that message was fixed in July 2018.

So initial advice - upgrade to latest 7.9.2

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