rgdawson wrote: 
> * Player defaults to built-in Squeezelite player if enabled, otherwise
> defaults to last selected player (if available).

Thought this was great, but now I have to ask: any way to disable this?
Or any way provide it with a second choice rather than last-used?  

Apparently there are times during SLX startup when it occassionally
can't find the built-in player. Because Squeezelite I guess. And now
instead of the behavior I'd carefully constructed, it defaults to the
last-used player which today was of course, wait for it: the All Players
group. Ouch. 

Previously it defaulted to the top player in the list when it couldn't
find the local player, and I had ensured that the top player and top
group were safe choices by placing a "." in front of the name. Now I'm
back to worrying about blasting everyone in the house again when my
last-used player was All.

LMS: SGC microJukebox running Sonicorbiter OS
Control apps: Squeezelite-X on Win 10; Squeezer or Material web app on
Players: Duet, Touch (two), Mac SqueezePlay, Win Squeezelite-X on laptop
and HTPC
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