Just had an unusual error at the end of a "new and changed" rescan.

  [19-10-29 20:12:17.2885] Slim::Music::Import::runImporter (511) Starting 
Plugins::MusicArtistInfo::Importer scan
  [19-10-29 20:15:21.3053] main::main (341) Error: Failed when running scan 
post-process: [Can't use string ("500 Can't connect to ws.audioscr"...) as a 
HASH ref while "strict refs" in use at 
line 216.
  [19-10-29 20:15:21.3062] main::main (342) Error: Not updating lastRescanTime!

Looks like the plugin failed when trying to do a lookup against last.fm
but didn't handle it neatly.

This is a 7.9.2 from May (Logitech Media Server Version: 7.9.2 -
1558382969 @ Tue May 21 06:27:23 CEST 2019) and the plugin is latest
available - 1.6.7

Paul Webster
Author Radio France (FIP etc) plugin
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