Ron F. wrote: 
> I have a suggestion...
> On one of my players, I have the player option "Output Level is fixed at
> 100%" set. I see that at the top of material/desktop, I now get a volume
> slider that is grayed out, and the level displayed is 0%. I suggest that
> when this player option has been set that the slider not be drawn but
> instead, after a single speaker image is displayed, text follows that
> says: "Level Fixed at 100%". Something similar for material/mobile - it
> state 100% instead of 0%, and when the slider display is opened by the
> user, it gives a similar message.
> If something like this is not workable, then how about a tooltip when
> hovering over the speaker image(s) that will explain that volume has
> been fixed at 100%?

I seem to recall that some users use speaker up/down buttons to still
foward volume changes onwards - so cannot remove either of these
buttons. The slider should only be greyed out if there is no player, or
the player is not on. The 100% volume setting does not affect this.

What I can do is if output level is fixed at 100%, then set the UI to be
at 100% - and then add a "Fixed Volume" string over the slider.

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