I'm using LMS on a Mac and struggling to set this up.

I've followed the instructions on the help page:

1. Set up a free account with ngrok and downloaded it.
2. Connected my account using the authtoken.
3. Moved ngrok to local/usr/bin
4. Ran command (with my user credentials): ngrok http -auth
"user:password" 9000 > /dev/null 2>&1 &
5. Ran command: disown; curl -s http://localhost:4040/api/tunnels | grep
-Po https://.+?\.io and got: 

'disown: no current job
zsh: no matches found: https://.+?.io
(23) Failed writing body'

My ngrok dashboard shows there are 2 Tunnels online both showing region
as 'us' but actually I'm in the UK. Same addresses - one is http the
other is https.

I ran command: ngrok http 80 and got:

'Your account 'xxxxx' is limited to 1 simultaneous ngrok client

Active ngrok client sessions in region 'us':
- [authtoken] (xx.xxx.xxx.xxx)' (I've replaced the returned output).

Any ideas what I'm doing wrong?

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