gdhgdh wrote: 
> from the arm-linux I'm guessing this is running on a Raspi of some kind.
> The /usr/local tells me there's been some './configure; make; make
> install' software installations going on, so yeah there are 100 ways to
> cut yourself with that.
> The "Python object has no method named oauth_login" only tells me that
> whatever Python installation that Perl 5 is seeing is not the same one
> that you installed the new gmusicapi into. I did also notice a slight
> typo.. you mentioned ' gmusicapi 11.1.1 ' .. I used 1.11.1
> I mean, you might have both Python2 and Python3 on your system in which
> case you could try 'pip install gmusicapi==1.11.1' as well as 'pip3
> install gmusicapi==1.11.1'
> Good luck!

It is the smallest things that help!
pip2 install gmusicapi==11.1.1   << updated 11.0.1 to 11.1.1

My box is Debian 9.11 on Qnap NAS.
pip tells me there is no 1.11.1, also every gmusicapi page I can find
lists versions as 11.1.1 and 12.1.0 etc.

I am now on to:
[19-12-19 08:29:35.7226] Plugins::GoogleMusic::Plugin::initPlugin (96)
Not able to login to Google Play Music: exceptions.OSError: [Errno 13]
Permission denied: '/usr/share/squeezeboxserver/.local' at line 183

But I have to head off to my day job so will work on this later.
Thanks for the hint about the wrong Python!

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