Just wanted to post a detailed guide to what I was able to do to
successfully get the google play music plugin working again (for now) on
raspberry pi using max2play (https://www.max2play.com).  

In my setup, the plugin was already installed via the max2play interface
and with all libraries and working through the max2play interface. 

As others have pointed out, there is an updated version of the Google
Play Music plugin by hubbouma
(https://github.com/huubbouma/squeezebox-googlemusic).  It uses an
updated login method.  I also includes a python-based proxy server that
somehow solves issues with tracks stopping/ending. 

* Following the directions for the plugin, I updated the GoogleMusicApi
First I checked the version installed:
`sudo pip show gmusicapi`
Then I updated to 12.1.0 specifically
`sudo pip2 install gmusicapi==12.1.0`

(Note I had all other libraries and dependencies already installed
thanks to the max2play installer script...so this was the only update I

* I cloned the updated plugin into /var/lib/squeezeboxserver/Plugins/:
`cd /var/lib/squeezeboxserver/Plugins/
sudo git clone

(I think the better way would be to add this as a 3-rd party plugin, but
in the max2play setup the google-play-music plugin is already installed
and adding a new repo did not seem to work... so I just cloned it
directly and used the github clone to replace the previous plugin)

* I then swapped out the new plugin directory with the old one and made
it a public directory (just in case):
`sudo mv GoogleMusic GoogleMusic-old
sudo mv squeezebox-googlemusic GoogleMusic
sudo chmod 777 GoogleMusic`

* Then I re-started squeezebox server, made sure the plugin was enabled,
and went through the settings to authorize login with OpenAuth.  At this
point, I could reload my library, but songs wouldn't start.  

* The next step was to enable to python-based proxy server.  You can do
this temporarily with:
`sudo python

And viola - I could use the plugin again.  However, when I closed the
terminal the python-based proxy server stopped and tracks again wouldn't

* So the last step I did was to setup the python-based proxy server as a
service.  I followed this tutorial
** First, I made a file called myproxy.system in /lib/systemd/system    

`sudo pico /lib/systemd/system/myproxy.service`

With these contents:
Description=Dummy Service



** And then I reloaded systemd, enabled the new service, and started
`sudo systemctl daemon-reload
sudo systemctl enable myproxy.service
sudo systemctl start myproxy.service`

and checked the status with:
`sudo systemctl status myproxy.service`

The first time I did this the service was in a failed state.  It turned
out I had accidentally left an instance of the proxy server running from
the command line so the service-based version couldn't attach to the
same port and failed.  I killed the previous python thread and the
service was able to start properly.  

This seems to have done the trick.  Don't know yet it it will be
super-stable, but fingers crossed.  Haven't tested this yet with having
multiple players within the house playing different GPM tracks.

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