Ron F. wrote: 
> I think I finally stumbled upon the source of the problem, sorry that I
> am slow to figure things out...
> The transition works if the image that "Now Playing" is transitioning to
> is already in the browser's cache. If I play a playlist loaded from
> Spotify for example, then the first time through the playlist, the fade
> fails to work properly for every track. Then if I start the playlist
> over from the beginning, it works perfectly the second time through!
> The same with streaming Radio Paradise, or Qobuz, most of the tracks
> have not been played since the last time I cleared the cache, but
> occasionally it does work, if the track was played recently.
> I usually dump the browser's cache images and files after updating
> material from Github.

Yeah, I was doing the fade out/in when the URL changes - not when the
image was loaded. I'm using a library to do lazy loading of images, and
this allows me to fadeIn when an image is loaded - all via CSS. So, I'll
change mey codde for this - but it means only fade in, not fade out.

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