pavowren wrote: 
> Ogg has been disabled for Spotty.
> no token timeout errors.
> but playback is a problem; when a track is selected, sqzlite shows
> "Connecting..."
> yesterday, i saw that at least on the LMS web page, after about 2
> minutes, the progress bar
> jumped back to zero point and i could hear normal audio.
> after that track stopped, then again no audio.

My squeezebox radio behaves the same way. The music starts playing on
web interface (selected ist Sqeezebox radio), but there is no music on
the Squeezebox radio. On the Squeezebox Radio "Connection ..." appears
for a very long time and after a minute the playback on the Squeezebox
radio starts and on web interface the progress bar is set to 0 and
starts counting again...

What's the behavior of your squeezebox, when you deactivate "token
refresh" in spotty v4.0.6.  Do you get the token error again?


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