prabbit wrote: 
> Assumptions: You're using the Default skin and you already have a custom
> clock you want to configure. If you don't already have a custom clock
> you'll need to edit an existing one or create a new one. Also, I'm using
> the English UI, I'm not certain whether any of these strings are
> localized in the German UI (if you're using one).
> 1. Setings > Advanced > Custom Clock Helper
> 2. In the *Items* dropdown, choose *New item*.
> 3. In *itemtype* choose *sdtweathermapicon*. Click Apply.
> 4. Configure position of your map using *posx*, *posy* to get the
> horizontal and vertical position of your map underneath your time.
> 5. Set the location for how narrow or wide of a map you want.
> 6. Click Apply.

Great - thank you!

2 additional questions:
1) I have the map full screen on an 800x600 device (Joggler). It there a
way to have i.e. the current time drawn ON TOP of the map? (I don't want
to make the map smaller to have the time i.e. under the map)
2) Is there a way to animate the map - i.e. rolling the last 3 maps - so
you know, if the rain is approaching or leaving? (in that context: What
is the setting 'interval' doing? I put numers from 1 to 10 in and did
not see a difference)

LMS 8 on Open Peak Joggler (running Chills Jivelite on Joggler)
Player: 5 x Squeezebox Classic, Slimp3, SqueezeAmp
2nd System: PiCorePlayer (and LMS) on Pi Zero;
slimhase's Profile:
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