Laz wrote: 
> Apparently I'm going to be doing an ongoing series on things I've
> figured out about how to get Spotty working in my network ... (No
> disrepect to Michael and his excellent work on Spotty - very much
> finding problems of my own making and sorting them out). 
> TLDR: If you are using spotify in a network with any powerline
> equipment, make sure that the powerline adapters are distanced from
> *any* PWM power supplies (wall warts, USB power supplies, etc). 
> In my case, I was getting the problem of Spotty/SpotifyConnect
> intermittently and not so intermittently stopping for no apparent
> reason, and it was affecting both hardware (various generations of
> Squeezeboxen) and software (Squeezelite-X) players. I eventually
> realised that I had a USB power supply on the same power board as a
> powerline adapter - I removed USB supply and the problem went away - I'm
> now getting hours of rock solid playback from SpotifyConnect. 
> Some general notes:
> - We had been having some problems with lag on the LAN. This fix seems
> to have helped with that as well. 
> - The network was broadly reliable for everything but SpotifyConnect.
> Video streaming (cloud and local), and local LMS content to the players.
> I'm guessing buffering is better when it is not being managed by both
> LMS and Spotify?
> - Suprisingly, this issue affected the whole network - even when my LMS
> server, spotty clients and internet were all connected to a single
> router, the PWM disruption to the powerline networking was enough to
> take out SpotifyConnect.
> I'd love to say that I worked this out with a bit of skill and patience,
> but it it is unfortunately a case of repeating an error I make every few
> years and going "Oh yeah - I remember now". Old dog, new tricks
> apparently :-(.

You've discovered 2 of the three "Dont's" of powerline networking !

They must connect directly to an electrical outlet – Powerline adapters
don’t work properly when connected to surge protectors, power strips, or
UPS units.

Avoid power outlets managed by AFCI and GFCI breakers – Arc-fault
circuit interrupter (AFCI) and Ground-fault circuit interrupter (GFCI)
breakers can reduce performance by up to 50%.

They shouldn’t share the same outlet with devices that produce
electrical “noise” – These devices include chargers, SMPSU's fluorescent
lights, and other noise making electric appliances.

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