FYI, I've been testing a beta with 13 new intents that address all the
feature requests (I think) made by the community in recent months. It
will soon be submitted to Amazpn for certification but I wanted to give
a heads up. The possibilities include:

* Play or Stream a *specific* version of a song from a -named album-.
The current 'play song XXX by YYY' plays -all- versions in your library
so if you have a lot of live albums you might get 20-30 hits. This
narrows it down to a specific album hit only.
* *Append* a named song or songs to the end of the *now-playing
*playlist. Can be either all versions of the song or a version from a
specific album.
* *Insert* a named song or songs to *play next* within the current
now-playing playlist.
* *Clear* the current playlist.
* Query what *alarms* exist for a particular player.
* *Enable* or *Cancel* an existing alarm.
* *Modify* an existing alarm by changing its set-time and also enabling
it if it was disabled. "Alexa, ask MediaServer to change my 07:30 alarm
to 08:00"

Any other new features that I might have missed and could potentially
include in the certification submission?

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