slartibartfast wrote: 
> The way my MusicIP is set up is that I analyse tracks on a Windows
> laptop with a portable HDD holding a version of my music library. I then
> synchronise the music files to another HDD attached to the Pi server
> which also has MusicIP running on it. I add the analysed music to the
> MusicIP cache on the server via the MusicIP web interface. 
> I have no idea how to get your mixer plugin to work with this.

When I use the term "MusicIP path" I mean the path that MusicIP sees for
your music. For instance, on my latop I might have:


on my Pi, I would have:


LMS's music folder is set to:


The 'MusicIP path' is:


Therefore when LMS asks MusicIP to create a mix based on a track it
sends "/media/disk/Music/Artist-Album/track.mp3" (as this is the
location LMS sees). But this needs to be converted to
"/home/craig/MusicIP/Artist-Album/track.mp3" for MusicIP to know what
track it is. The plugin converts "/media/disk/Music" to
"/home/craig/MusicIP", and vice versa.

The existing LMS MusicIP plugin does not do path conversion - so if that
plugin works for you, then *not* setting a 'MusicIP path' in this
plugin's settings should work. (But as stated, I don't think I have
tested this). But without logs its hard to know what is or is not

*Material debug:* 1. Launch via http: //SERVER:9000/material/?debug=json
2. Open browser's developer tools 3. Open console tab in developer tools
4. REQ/RESP messages sent to/from LMS will be logged here.
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