cpd73 wrote: 
> Yup, the reading of this flag is broken. Will release an update in a
> bit. For now you could edit Plugin.pm and change (from line 344) from:
> > 
  >   > 
  > sub _convertToMip {
  > my $path = shift;
  > my $mipPath = shift;
  > my $lmsPath = shift;
  > my $convertExt = shift;
  > my $fixed = $path;
  > if ($convertExt) {
  > my @parts = split(/#/, $path);
  > if (2==scalar(@parts)) {
  > $fixed = $parts[0] . ".CUE_TRACK." . $parts[1] . ".mp3";
  > }
  > if (!main::ISWINDOWS && !main::ISMAC) {
  > if (! ('.mp3' eq substr $fixed, -length('.mp3'))) {
  > $fixed = $fixed . ".mp3";
  > }
  > }
  > }
  > if ($mipPath) {
  > $fixed =~ s/$lmsPath/$mipPath/g;
  > }
  > if ($convertExt || $mipPath) {
  > main::DEBUGLOG && $log->debug("TO MIP: " . $path . " -> " . $fixed);
  > }
  > return $fixed;
  > }
  > sub _convertFromMip {
  > my $path = shift;
  > my $mipPath = shift;
  > my $lmsPath = shift;
  > my $fixed = $path;
  > my $convertExt = shift;
  > if ($convertExt) {
  > my @parts = split(/\.CUE_TRACK\./, $path);
  > if (2==scalar(@parts)) {
  > my $end = substr $parts[1], 0, -4; # Remove .mp3 ext
  > $fixed = $parts[0] . "#" . $end;
  > }
  > if (!main::ISWINDOWS && !main::ISMAC) {
  > if ('.m4a.mp3' eq substr $fixed, -length('.m4a.mp3')) {
  > $fixed = substr $fixed, 0, -4;
  > } elsif ('.ogg.mp3' eq substr $fixed, -length('.ogg.mp3')) {
  > $fixed = substr $fixed, 0, -4;
  > } elsif ('.flac.mp3' eq substr $fixed, -length('.flac.mp3')) {
  > $fixed = substr $fixed, 0, -4;
  > }
  > }
  > }
  > if ($mipPath) {
  > $fixed =~ s/$mipPath/$lmsPath/g;
  > }
  > if ($convertExt || $mipPath) {
  > main::DEBUGLOG && $log->debug("FROM MIP: " . $path . " -> " . $fixed);
  > }
  > return $fixed;
  > }
> > 
> to 
> > 
  >   > 
  > sub _convertToMip {
  > my $path = shift;
  > my $mipPath = shift;
  > my $lmsPath = shift;
  > my $convertExt = shift;
  > my $fixed = $path;
  > return $fixed;
  > }
  > sub _convertFromMip {
  > my $path = shift;
  > my $mipPath = shift;
  > my $lmsPath = shift;
  > my $fixed = $path;
  > my $convertExt = shift;
  > return $fixed;
  > }
> > 
> This will disable all path conversions.

Getting somewhere now but it can't find any genres it likes. Server log

|Filename: server.log                                               |
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