cpd73 wrote: 
> I thought it was turned off? You stated "when I select do not exclude
> genres every track it finds fails to match genre." The issue there was
> it was filtering on genre, when there was no genre => genre did not
> match, filtered out. Genre filtering itself should work, as that is what
> I use all the time - and its why I have groups of genres in the JSON
> file. I found MIP would sometimes mix in a pop track whilst I was
> listening to Rock, and I did not want that.
> Plugin is still in development, so there will be issues - it works for
> my use case, but will probably have issues for other use cases.When I first 
> tried it I left all the defaults so genre filtering was
turned on but I assume with no JSON file to specify genres. That was the
server log I posted. I was surprised that every single track was
excluded. I tried another seed track with genre Rock and again all of
the tracks were excluded. Is the JSON file required for genre filtering
to work?

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