bins wrote: 
> Hi
> Live BBC iPlayer feeds just die (and pretty much bring down LMS) after
> playing for about 2 mins
> I get loads of these messages
> Plugins::BBCiPlayer::BBCOnAir::__ANON__ (236) error fetching RadioPlayer
> BBC  data while playing so try fetching again
> Plugins::BBCiPlayer::BBCOnAir::__ANON__ (214) error fetching BBC
> segments data while playing so try fetching again
> in the server log
> Non-live streams work fine
> Some sysinfo:
> iPlayer plugin 1.6.10
> Hardware is raspberry pi B+
> Logitech Media Server Version: 7.9.2 - 1578996832 @ Tue Jan 14 12:16:57
> CET 2020
> Server HTTP Port Number: 9000
> Operating system: Debian - EN - utf8
> Platform Architecture: armv7l-linux
> Perl Version: 5.20.2 - arm-linux-gnueabihf-thread-multi-64int
> Audio::Scan: 0.95
> IO::Socket::SSL: 2.049
> Database Version: DBD::SQLite 1.58 (sqlite 3.22.0)
> Total Players Recognized: 6

At the moment, lots of "weird" internet service problems (e.g. timeout,
error in connection)  have been caused by https support as services are
requiring the use of up to date SSL/TLS. At the same time LMS has had
updates to support https.

IO::Socket::SSL V2.049 is from 2017 !

Since I have a 

1. Can you update your LMS to at least 7.9.3 
2. Can you make sure your packages  libio-socket-ssl-perl
libnet-ssleay-perl are up to date.
3. What OS are you running ?   If it is Raspbianj - you shoudl eb able
to up date it so that IO::Socket::SSL is at version 2.06

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