kidstypike wrote: 
> My "Classical" library view shows empty in Material skin.
> 31831
> If I go to the Default skin and select to use "Classical" library view,
> it then works using the Material skin.
> 31832
> But as of today this is completely new behavior, never had to select the
> library view in Default before.

The way the default skin works is that it sets a library view on the
-player-, material does not do this (well it can if you use Player
Settings). But as stated, the call material is performing is correct,
its LMS that is not returning items.

Material -is- different to other controllers, and deliberately so. Most
LMS UIs configure the list of browse modes, and set the active library,
per-player. When you change player these are also changed. This is one
aspect I've *never* liked. It makes sense when the UI is on the player
(e.g. on an SB Radio), but not (IMHO) on a UI that controlls multiple
players. I always hated SqueezeCtrl going back to the top-level browse
whenever I changed a player (I'd browse to an album, then decide to
change player, and had to browse all over again). So, Material sets its
browse modes, and library, per Material instance.

What I guess is happning is that if the library is set on the player,
then LMS gets the list of albums in that library then gets the newest
ones. Whereas in the call I am using, I'm guessing it gets the 100
newest albums *then* applies the library filtering. If so, this is an
LMS issue.

*Material debug:* 1. Launch via http: //SERVER:9000/material/?debug=json
(Use http: //SERVER:9000/material/?debug=json,cometd to also see update
messages, e.g. play queue) 2. Open browser's developer tools 3. Open
console tab in developer tools 4. REQ/RESP messages sent to/from LMS
will be logged here.
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