If for #3 you mean an equivalent for the Browse button, then that
appears in other places e.g. Advanced> Formatting and some plug-ins e.g.
Music & Artist Information. The Browse function not only prevents silly
typos but it shows that directories are reachable too, so it's useful

Yes, that is what I mean. I'll have a look at those other places too.
Can you provide full list?

The Default skin hasn't this hardcoded. But there's a script running whenever a settings page is opened checking for elements with the "selectFolder" class. All those items would get the browse handler.

The same applies for "selectFile", which can have additional classes defining the accepted file type (to be handled in the picker code), eg. "selectFile selectFile_png selectFile_jpg selectFile_jpeg".

You can use the "readdirectory" command to browse the filesystem.


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