pavowren wrote: 
> i know it is *hard* to believe, but i have had issues when connecting to
> 5 ghz ssid.
> i'm certain that you can take out that v4.0.6 disable-asynch option,
> though i do not know the situation with the other fellow that was having
> the token problem.
> in any case, at this point,
> Spotty is running perfectly!   no skipping of tracks, no delays...
> thank you very much for your work and attention.
> if you have ANY idea as to how and why 5ghz a.p. would cause such
> issues,
> i am very curious to know.   my searches have not turned up this thing
> about DFS:
> "This mechanism is known as Dynamic Frequency Selection (DFS) and is
> designed to mitigate interference to 5GHz radar by WLANs."

Old thread, but it saved me!

I am a Squeezebox user all the way back to the SB2 and therefore also a
user of Spotty since day 0. I have experienced verand experience few
problems with it.  Then last week it suddenly gave up on me. A
non-responsive Orange Squeeze, and also not working via the LMS web
interface. So I updated LMS (on a Synology NAS). I updated the Spotty
plug-in. I deleted the approved accounts. I re-added my account. I
generated (although I never needed that before) a Spotify Client ID. All
this to no avail. Spotty still refused to function. After inspection the
log files I saw that Spotty kept complaining : 
"Plugins::Spotty::API::Token::_killTokenHelper (179) Timed out waiting
for a token" 

Then I read this thread. And stumbled upon the mysterious healing powers
of 2.4GHz. In my situation there is no wireless between my NAS and my
network. However, it made me realize that the problem might be somewhere
in my local network. My entire network is IPv6 capable, all the way to
the internet. And instead of peace it gave me headaches before. So I
switched IPv6 off on my NAS. And lo and behold, Spotty started working
again immediately. Flawlessly. No more timed out tokens.

So don't ask me why this was no problem before. And don't ask me why I
still try to have an IPv6 compliant network. I have no idea. I do know
that I am a very happy user of Squeezebox/LMS/Spotty again. Also because
I fixed it again my daughter thinks I' god, at least for today :-)

And who knows, maybe this helps someone else.

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