philippe_44 wrote: 
> If you have the same from both plugins, it's usually either a firewall
> issue or you're not binding to the right interface. If you are in a
> docker container, per post #1 of this thread, you must be in host mode
thanks for pointing me in the right direction (quoting the page 1 post
here for easier reference)  
my LMS runs on an Ubuntu server which i only recently set-up, I did not
have the time to properly look at SSH or the firewall

> The Bridge installs a web server on a random port from 49152 (can be
> configured), up to 32 ports, so your firewall must allow that. If
> everything seems to work but you have no sound, you propably have these
> ports blocked so the UPnP/DLNA player cannot get the audio. In Windows,
> add a rule authorizing squeeze2upnp-win.exe or go into
> C:\ProgramData\Squeezebox\Cache\InstalledPlugins\Plugins\UPnPBridge and
> launch *once* squeezeupnp-win.exe where you'll be prompted for
> authorization.
> This plugin *requires* SSL to stream HTTPS directly so make sure it's
> installed on your LMS server. Not a problem for Windows, OSX, most Linux
> x86, Raspberry pi, Cubie, Odroid and others that use a Debian-based, but
> can be problematic with some NAS. I don't have a perfect guide, so
> please refer to your NAS forum, but most of the recent NAS firmware
> update include SSL as well, so that might be all that is required.
> Other than that, Perl must have SSL support enabled, which again is
> available in all recent distribution and LMS versions (I think). But in
> case of problem and for Debian-ish Linux, you can try "sudo apt-get
> install libio-socket-ssl-perl libnet-ssleay-perl" at any command prompt.
> Here is as well the link to the original thread

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