I have an issue with playback stopping when a mixed format playlist is

I'm using Roon and lms-to-upnp to bridge to a Naim NDS streamer and have
been for some time (2 years).

I send PCM from Roon and use passthrough to the Naim streamer.  The Naim
sees PCM or WAV. 

All file formats play OK

I have observed that if I am playing a 24/192 track and the next track
in the playlist or queue is a different format, e.g. 24/96 playback will
stop at the end of the 24/192 track.  Roon will show that it hasn't
advanced either.

If I click on the track advance button in Roon playback will commence
with the next track.

This only seems to be an issue when moving from a 24/192 to something
else.  i.e. 24/96 to 24/192 works OK.

I can overcome this by changing the stream_length parameter to -2.

However with this setting enabled the last 10 seconds of the 24/192
track are skipped and the player advances on to the next track.

I can completely resolve this problem by enabling FLAC compression
within Roon.  This sends FLAC rather than PCM to lms-to-upnp.  The
problem with this approach is that Naim streamers take a slight sound
quality drop when they transcode from FLAC to PCM within the streamer. 
This is well known and is due to the extra overhead generating noise in
the streamer.  It's subtle but I'm keen to avoid this.

If I enable FLAC compression in Roon and set lms-to-upnp to transcode to
PCM the problem re-introduces itself.

One observation.  If I inspect the Naim streamer when playing it shows
the 24/192 track as WAV but other tracks as PCM.  

Any ideas on how to resolve this stalling problem but preserve sending
PCM/WAV to the streamer.

Thank you

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