mrw wrote: 
> But that is done _after_ looking at the remote headers.

Headers iare HTTP

headercontent is audio frame data.

> So we're reading the headers _again_ ?
LMS always has to examine the audio stream ( a file/audio stream header
not a HTTP header) for example, to determine bitrate as LMS has to knoe
bitrate to know whether to downsample the stream to a player or not 

> Clearly SqueezePlay is being told that the stream is -aac-, hence the
> problem.

Yes Squeezeplay/Squeezelite etc assumes LMS has analysed the stream and
so starts doing AAC decoding on a MP3 stream.

I saw the problem because I was playing through a Receiver which was
failing to transacode an MP3 stream using faad.

> I don't know what the "old March 2020" problem is/was. Do you have a
> pointer ?
Problem was an AAC stream being identified as MP3 (as suffix was .mp3). 

Starts at ppst #43 but goes on and later MichaelH offers (and implement)
a better solution as it is a bug fix on a bug fix on a bug fix (aaargh)

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