bobertuk wrote: 
> @cpd73
> I made a silly mistake setting ratings for all tracks on the wrong
> Album, went back in to set back to zero only to discover that this
> doesn't appear to be possible, at least for me. It can only be set back
> to a half star at minimum - obviously I'm using the 1-10 method of
> rating so can set half stars. Checked this out on a number of occasions
> on other albums to make sure it wasn't just a one off but it isn't.
> Seems that ratings can't be set back to zero. Purely a guess, is it
> possibly an arithmetic error in coding; eg >0 instead of >=0?

Yeah, you are correct. Looks like the vuetify widget will not let you
click 0 :(   Not sure what to do. I could make it that if you click 0.5
when the rating is already 0.5 that it sends 0??

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