I have begun to have (or just noticed I have) a problem with Group
Players.  Some songs stop playing prematurely, seemingly exactly 10
seconds early, and display an error on the player screen:

Problem: Can't open file for: <name of song>

And the following error is logged in LMS:

[21-04-18 22:54:21.6627] Slim::Player::Squeezebox2::statHandler (149)
Error: <MAC of a specific pCP/Squeezelite player>: Decoder does not
support file format, code 0

I have confirmed that these files play normally using other music
players, such as iTunes.  I can play the SAME file on a single pCP
rather than a group player, and it completes normally with no error
logged.  Files are ALAC or AAC, for the most part.

The problem appears to remain persistent for a given file, in that I can
re-add that song to my queue and the problem will recur while players
are grouped.

It's not every song, just some.  I'm not sure when it began, but I have
errors going back to 4/13.

I'm running the Group Players plugin v0.14.3

I'm running the official Docker version:

Logitech Media Server Version: 8.1.2 - 1618550311 @ Fri Apr 16 08:36:43
CEST 2021
Hostname: 2cc3948a001f
Server IP Address:
Server HTTP Port Number: 9000
Operating system: Debian (Docker) - EN - utf8
Platform Architecture: x86_64-linux
Perl Version: 5.24.1 - x86_64-linux-gnu-thread-multi
Audio::Scan: 1.02
IO::Socket::SSL: 2.044
Database Version: DBD::SQLite 1.58 (sqlite 3.22.0)
Total Players Recognized: 6

benh's Profile: http://forums.slimdevices.com/member.php?userid=6732
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