Akyhne wrote: 
> Yeah, I want to run with 100% fixed volume. I just didn't think the mod
> would adjust two different volume controls at once.
With the volume set at 100% it only adjusts the Denon volume. That's the

What we were doing for the non 100% was adjusting the Denon while the
player was adjusting it's output too. So you got two adjustments. We are
working on 4.1 so for players that are not running in 100% output, we
will do nothing with the volume at all other than perhaps asking for the
Quick Select to be set during player turn on if you ask us to. That has
a volume setting in it based on what you have set in the Denon.

I am curious about what user interface you are using to adjust the
volume that makes such large jumps. We have noticed different clients do
send over adjustments in different sizes and that is more of a client
issue than the plugin, but perhaps we can adjust the plugin based on
known client behaviors. We have already contacted one developer who has
modified their app accordingly.

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